Flight :
a novel
by Sherman Alexie |
A minor chorus :
a novel
by Billy-Ray Belcourt |
Probably Ruby :
a novel
by Lisa Bird-Wilson |
Even as we breathe :
a novel
by Annette Saunooke Clapsaddle |
VenCo :
a novel
by Cherie Dimaline |
by Ramona Emerson |
The sentence :
a novel
by Louise Erdrich |
Woman of light
by Kali Fajardo-Anstine |
The removed :
a novel
by Brandon Hobson |
Calling for a blanket dance
by Oscar Hokeah |
Bad Cree :
a novel
by Jessica Johns |
The only good Indians :
a novel
by Stephen Graham Jones |
A snake falls to Earth
by Darcie Little Badger |
Sisters of the Lost Nation
by Nick Medina |
Never whistle at night :
an Indigenous dark fiction anthology
edited by Shane Hawk and
Theodore C. Van Alst |
There there :
a novel
by Tommy Orange |
This town sleeps :
a novel
by Dennis E. Staples |
Stealing :
a novel
by Margaret Verble |
Winter counts :
a novel
by David Heska Wanbli Weiden |
White horse
by Erika T. Wurth |