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Adulting 101: Government, Immigration, Taxes, and Voting

A guide for adults, new and old, about how to, well, adult!

Library Resources

Web Resources

Federal Digital System

  • This is a database you can access if you have a Helen Hall Library card. You will be able to find information from all three branches of the United States government.

The Bill of Rights: What Does it Say? - The National Archives

  • This resource gives simple, easy-to-understand definitions on the Bill of Rights and each of the amendments.

Texas Voting Information - VOTE411

  • VOTE411 has a variety of information and resources regarding voting, including how absentee ballets work, what type of ID you need to vote, and provisions for voters with disabilities.

What are the Different Types of Elections? - U.S. Vote Foundation

  • This article breaks down the three types of elections and who you vote for in each one.